Monday, November 23, 2009

It's Funny

Back in the old days, my thing used to be the "Commute Song" of the day. My work commute was about 4-5 minutes so it was long enough to hear one song. Now I drive 45 minutes so it is no longer something worth doing. I usually listen to podcasts in the car now anyway.

I know one of Steve's things is the "Commuter of the Day." I don't want to step on that idea, but I think I am going to start posting pictures of messed up cars I see around here. The diversity of the people in this area certainly leads to interesting choices. Last week, I saw a "Superman" car parked in front of someone's house. Somewhere I saw a "Batman" car. I have already discussed the Oscar the Grouch and Hawaiian Punch cars. These are never commuting anywhere when I see them though. They are always just parked. Going forward, I am going to try to start capturing some of the "unique" cars in the Shreveport area.


  1. Awesome! There's no telling what kind of hilarity you people have driving around down there.

  2. Most of the hilarity is unintentional, but it is hilarity nonetheless.

  3. It is your duty to share this with the world. Please do not think for a second that you're stepping on any idea. If it's funny, we want to see it.

  4. You should. In fact you must. You owe it to your readers. We all need a good laugh.

  5. Well, now that I have a camera on my phone, I really have no excuse not to do it.

  6. It's like having a computer and not looking at porn. If you have the capability, you owe it to your operating system to view it.
