Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Mexican Cleaning Woman

I know you are all shocked by this title. "A Mexican cleaning woman?" What the hell kind of nonsense is he talking about? We had one though as this story is true.

When I was in college, we had a team of housekeepers who were responsible for cleaning the common areas in our dormitory. When I first got there, we had one guy named Paul and he was good. The guys on our floor had a good relationship with Paul. He did a good job and didn't complain about cleaning up after college kids. For our part, we did not mention how this guy was like 50 years old and cleaned college dorms for a living. It all worked well.

Our world was rocked one day when we were told that Paul had quit. He was being replaced with a Mexican cleaning woman. I did not know her name. I just knew her as the new Mexican cleaning woman. To show my naivity at the time, I did not realize that there were different types of Mexican cleaning woman like Guatemalans and Puerto Ricans, for example.

...I am so disappointed. The second half of this story was lost when I tried to publish it. I will try to finish it later.


  1. You know what's funny? Suggesting to a Puerto Rican that they might be Mexican. Well, not funny for YOU, but it would be funny for everyone else watching the carnage.

    So, how many strings of beads did Heather win this year?

  2. We have approximately 6 gallons of beads. I did not count them.

  3. You should always write your entries in Word first, then copy and paste. It can save a lot of pain.

    And Puerto Ricans come from Mexico? I thought they came from Spain.

  4. I think you are thinking of Portuguese.

  5. i always like saying "i don't speak mexican".. it really pisses them off..

  6. It's even funnier when they are speaking English to you.
